by admin | Feb 22, 2023 | channel, technology
With many affected by the U.S. tech sector layoffs, Nancy Ridge’s talk at Cloud Girls bi-monthly member meeting on “Building a Career Plan” comes in great timing. Finding our purpose within our ecosystem, turning knowledge into wisdom, making a...
by admin | Jan 23, 2023 | channel
ASAP is the go-to community for partnership and alliance success. Nancy Ridge is honored to be able to share her Thought Leadership with the Association of Strategic Professionals (ASAP) member community. Contributing to the article Pointing Channel Partners in a New...
by admin | Jan 3, 2023 | channel, technology
The new year has traditionally been a stressful time because there are so many possibilities, so many things to do. My work with the innovative personality assessment program of Deeper Signals explains this as a manifestation of the driven personality; taking...
by admin | Dec 20, 2022 | channel
ASAP is the go-to community for partnership and alliance success. Nancy Ridge is honored to be able to share her Thought Leadership with the Association of Strategic Professionals (ASAP) member community. Contributing to the article Welcome to the New Channel, she...
by admin | Dec 20, 2022 | channel
Building a great partner experience results in greater loyalty, productivity, and profitability. But it can also result in so much more. Partners have become an integral part of the entire customer journey such that partners are the customer experience. Ridge...