How do tech companies continually upskill partner stakeholders on fast-changing solutions? Claudia J. Kuzma, MA, Rob Spee, Wissam “Will” Yafi, and Nancy Ridge will reveal the answers at the 2024 ASAP Summit.
When Nancy Ridge, CA-AM, president and founder of Ridge Innovative, and Norma Watenpaugh, CSAP, principal of Phoenix Consulting Group, coauthored the e-book Partners Are the Customer Experience, they unearthed a very convincing business case for pouring massive resources into certification, training, and enablement.
“Enablement and certification were at the top of the list in terms of what partners were seeking in order to be successful. Conversely, the providers also found that the greater the certification, the greater the specialization of their partners, the better their product or service was performing with customers,” said Ridge.
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