Directions for the Driver

Jan 3, 2023 | channel, technology

The new year has traditionally been a stressful time because there are so many possibilities, so many things to do. My work with the innovative personality assessment program of Deeper Signals explains this as a manifestation of the driven personality; taking responsibility, getting out front and moving forward.

Today I am grateful to know that taking a more relaxed approach can yield a better outcome. Pausing to clarify intentions ensures what is said, done and accomplished will take us where we want to go. We live and work in a highly competitive environment with exposure and access to innovative tools and technology to accelerate growth as never before. It’s breathtakingly exciting! To remember that today is one small, manageable segment of time is to work in the proper perspective. To clarify and focus our creative energies takes discipline and support. Delivering excellent work is built on everyday accomplishments moving in the direction of clearly defined intentions.

If you want to learn more about your core drivers and how to point them in the best direction, contact us at to schedule an assessment. We are taking new leadership coaching clients now.